
Watchthisemergencycrisisrespondersvideo,thankingthosewhorisktheirlives,andlearnmoreabouthowGoogleissupportingcrisisresponse.,Google'scrisisalertsprovideaccesstotrustedsafetyinformationacrossSearch,Maps,andAndroid.,Itactsasamessageboardforsurvivors,familiesandfriendsofthoseaffectedinanaturaldisasterbyputtinginliveupdatesaboutmissingpersons.During ...,GoogleCrisisResponsemakescriticalinformation...

Emergency Crisis Response Support Video

Watch this emergency crisis responders video, thanking those who risk their lives, and learn more about how Google is supporting crisis response.

Forecasting and alerts

Google's crisis alerts provide access to trusted safety information across Search, Maps, and Android.

Google Crisis Response

It acts as a message board for survivors, families and friends of those affected in a natural disaster by putting in live updates about missing persons. During ...

Google Crisis Response Mapping

Google Crisis Response makes critical information more accessible around natural disasters and humanitarian crises, such as hurricanes and earthquakes.

Google Crisis Response

In situations of crisis, people are anxiously looking for information that can help them make decisions about how to stay safe. We have an opportunity to help ...



GoogleCrisisResponse (@GoogleCR) X

The official account for Google's Crisis Response team.


2013年7月10日 — Google Crisis Response團隊10日正式啟用「Google台灣災害應變資訊平台」,民眾可透過電腦和各種行動裝置(包含Android與iOS系統),透過Google搜尋 ...

How Engineers Utilize AI in Disaster Management

Discover how Google Crisis Response is using AI in disaster management to provide real-time emergency alerts and information to those who need it.

When a crisis happens,'s Alex Diaz steps up

2020年7月24日 — Alex leads the Crisis Response and Humanitarian Aid portfolio at He manages Google's philanthropic response to global crises.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
